Sonja Shogren - SCS Designs
N e w s
February 2025 and Beyond

(From the Webmaster: Thank you for your class pictures and your after-class completed-work's pictures. If your piece is now completed and you can share the work with us -- don't hesitate to contact me or Sonja. I may be reached by eMail through the pointer-to at the end of this Web page; Sonja may be reached either by eMail or at the store.)

To my Students, Customers, and Friends!

Hello, everyone!!!

After having "shut down" class-wise after pandemic/etc. through mid-2022 - I had a November 2022 class - and, I also had that same class in February 2023: One Block Wonder. Please see the comment below about possible other classes if you are interested... We see, how 2025 moves along. I have not been holding classes in 2024.

I have started thinking about other classes/dates for Spring 2025 classes. If you have any comments as to what YOUR plans are as relates to my classes "down the road" - of course, just get back to me eMail-wise or while you are at the store. If you have some special "needs" now is the time to speak up.

I look forward to seeing you - and, working with you - in a class or at the store (Bernina World of Sewing, in Raleigh) eventually!!!!

For info:

  • One Block Wonder (Completed - February 2023)
    Class Description: Yes, the class wasback! If you are ready for your 1st, 2nd or 3rd… choose a fabric that you really like - and I promise that you will have fun, with lots of surprises, while creating your One Block Wonder quilt. Join us for new adventures with your fabric!

  • Beginners Start to Finish (May happen in Spring 2025 - We see.)
    Class Description: If you always have wanted to learn how to make a quilt - come and join us for two relaxing Saturdays. This class will teach you how to make a quilt from start to finish, including straight-line machine quilting and finishing the quilt with a binding. This is a true beginner's class. This is an ideal class for "busy" people -- almost no homework! Also, a good class for a young person who is experimenting to see if he/she enjoys sewing. Note: This class requires that you have a sewing machine, at home, for any necessary homework.
    Option-1 and Option-2

Send me an eMail if you are interested in the above classes Spring 2025. Just eMail to:

Good luck to you all - with YOUR projects.


Don't hesitate to give me a comeback if you have any comments/questions regarding my plans. Just eMail to: or, of course, I look forward to talking with you directly at the store.

Reminder: To register for my classes, please call the store (Bernina World of Sewing: (919) 782-2945) or (better yet!) stop by the store (on Glenwood Ave. in Raleigh - about two miles North of Crabtree Shopping Center). You may also register for the classes online - at the store's Website - however, you will have to stop by the store or contact me a few weeks prior to the class to obtain the class Supply List.

My upcoming/in progress/completed classes at Bernina World of Sewing, Raleigh:

In-Plan and In-Consideration and In-Plan dates at Bernina World of Sewing, Raleigh:
(Click on any of the photos, below, for more information)

Beginner's Start to Finish

In-Consideration (May happen in Spring 2025. We see.)

One Block Wonder

Saturday Full-Day Class (Three 6-Hour Sessions) -

Saturday(s) 10:30am-4:30pm February 4, 18 and March 4, 2023

Any comments: Send to us at:

To see pictures from more classes, as well as previous-student's classwork, click on: Student Examples and Additional Workshop Information

© SCS Designs
P.O. Box 58223
Raleigh, NC 27658
To contact us about anything on this page or any of our site's Web pages, please:
send mail to:

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