Sonja Shogren
Class Description
Freezer Paper Pattern

Make a fun quilt with funky looking blocks! This will not be your traditional-looking quilt. Choose one of numerous patterns. Just bring the pattern of your choice!

Patterns are not included in the class fee.

Machine Piecing.
1 Session.
Level: Advanced Beginner

No classes currently scheduled. Contact us if you are interested in this class.

Some Samples

Some Student's Work

August, 2005

(Click on either of the following if you want to see either of the images in larger size).

Class Work

Ready for Homework!

March, 2005

Workers and Patterns

Blocks Are A Start!

Larger-sized Image 1

March, 2004

Work In Progress

Workers March 2004 Larger Image

(Click on the above to see in a larger image.)

A Block Is Finished - Ready for More!

One Block Finished March 2004 Larger Image

(Click on the above to see in a larger image.)

December, 2003

October, 2004
(Click on any of the following to see in a larger size.)

To contact us about anything on this Web page, please: send mail to: Sonja Shogren regarding this class.

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P.O. Box 58223
Raleigh, NC 27658
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